Be the wind: 3-minute guided meditation

Guided meditation teaches you how to quiet the mind, suspend thought – and focus. Devote your heart and mind to this powerful mindfulness meditation. 

Read the meditation below.

Be the wind

Imagine you are standing on the shore of a small glacial lake.

Tall, snow-capped mountains surround its cool, turquoise waters. Steep, barren mountainsides drop to the beach of loose, sun-bleached pebbles. 

You are alone.

You breathe in the cool, refreshing, mountain air. In, and out. Ahhh. 

The summer sun brightens a clear blue sky. At this altitude, the air is cool, but the sun warms your face. Feel its warmth on your hair, your shoulders, your arms, and your back. 

The wind. The wind is a quiet breeze. You feel it softly on your face. 

Lean, lean into the breeze. Feel the gentleness of the wind. 

Be the wind. Be the wind. 

Lift your feet gently off the ground. You are floating. Floating above the water. You are the breeze, moving faster and faster, across the lake, to the centre, to the other shore.

The warm sun draws you up, up into the sky. You feel the pressure of the cool air on your face. It slips over your shoulder, across your back, down your spine, over your legs. 

You are the wind. Feel your power.   

You rise above the mountain peaks and look down into green valleys. You are the witness, who sees life from afar, who blows past indifference and criticism, doubt and fear. 

You are the wind. Feel your power. 

Breathe deeply. Let go. Breathe deeply. Let go. Again, breathe deeply. 

Let go.