Street corner: a 3.5-minute guided meditation

A 3.5-minute guided meditation challenges you to stop on a street corner in the midst of your busy day to ask yourself a few key questions about your state of mind, to relax, and then to release pent-up emotions and renew your inner light.

Read the meditation below.

Street corner meditation

You’re walking along a busy city street.

There’s traffic everywhere. You’re surrounded by the noise and smell of vehicles, jostled by the faceless crowd. You stop on a corner and wait for the traffic light to change. The noisy traffic encroaches on your thoughts, interrupting the internal editor who fills your mind with things to do, who criticizes your last move, who contemplates your next step.  

Stop. Stop right now. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. 

How do you feel? How do you feel? What are you feeling? Right now. 

Are you sad, lonely, angry, blasé, fearful, anxious, defensive? Name what you feel. Say it out loud. I am….  I am…

Feel that emotion. Feel that shadow within you. Do not judge it. Acknowledge its presence. Then let it go. Let it go. Pull it out of your heart. Spread your arms, like wings, and throw it away. Let it fly up, up into the universe. 

Ahh. It’s gone. 

Open your hand. A ball of shining light hovers above your palm. It grows bigger and bigger, until it is large enough to step inside. 

The ball of light surrounds you. It hugs your body. Surrender to the light. Absorb it into your body. The light gives you strength, protects you. Floating in the light, feel unconditional love and acceptance. At this moment, you feel happy, so free and happy.

Put your hands over your heart. 

Now, say:

I am love.
I am kindness.
I am forgiveness.
I am courage.
I am what I need to be at this very moment. 

Breathe in. Let go. Breathe in, 1-2-3. Let go, 1-2-3. Again, breathe in, 1-2-3. Let go. Ahhh…