Sound-healing instruments

The music of sound healing

Sound-healing instruments combine music theory with ancient wisdom to bring balance and harmony to the body’s energy systems. For example, sound-healing protocols for crystal singing bowls rely on the use of musical intervals and triads to realign the chakras and elevate your spirit to a higher vibration. Sound removes blockages that stifle the harmonious flow of energy within and around your body. 

Harmony and dissonance

The use of harmonious musical intervals relaxes, realigns and balances the body, mind, spirit and soul. Consequently, harmonious sounds create a feeling of loving, compassionate peace.

When your energy becomes depleted or blocked, negative or dissonant vibrations occur within the body. As a result, you fall out of sync with your natural rate of vibration. Over time, being out of sync causes a feeling of dis-ease. Eventually, this disharmony manifests itself physically, because your body begins to respond negatively to stress.

Dissonant musical intervals release negative energy, along with the stresses and tensions of daily life.

Quartz crystal singing bowls use both types of musical intervals, along with musical triads, to restore the body’s healthy, resonant vibrations. But, what are intervals and triads in the music of sound healing?

Musical intervals

A musical interval is the difference in pitch between two sounds. In other words, it is the distance between any two notes. This distance is known as an interval, and intervals between notes are calculated on the basis of semi-tones. For example, the interval between C and C# is one semi-tone or interval. 

Different musical intervals have different healing effects. For example, playing the perfect fifth interval (C–G) triggers relaxation. Other intervals trigger the release of negative or suppressed emotions. An example is the major second (C–D). 

In sound healing, musical intervals are used to generate emotional release. And, they harmonize and balance your energy systems.

Musical triads

A musical triad is a grouping of three harmonious notes in the same scale. These three notes can be played at the same time or one after the other.

Certain musical triads, for example, the major triad of C–E–G, manifest your inner strengths. They help you to express yourself solidly in the world. Minor triads help you to process what you’ve learned.

Integral sound healing is a form of vibrational therapy. It helps to balance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being. In fact, when out of balance, you are more susceptible to physical signs of stress and negative emotions. 

The power of intention

You are the master of your body. What you want – your intention – gives your body, mind, spirit or soul permission to heal itself. Intention focuses the healing energy of sound. It directs the healing power of sound to where it needs to go. 

By fine-tuning your energy systems with sound, you can restore balance. And, you can activate your body’s natural healing abilities.

Where intension flows, energy goes…

To book a personalized, 1-to-1, one-hour, sound-healing session, click here or contact Heather Pengelley on Facebook Messenger or email me at